For tens of millions of people, migration is a tough reality. What causes people to migrate away from their home countries, and what happens when they do?
If you wanted to really mess with the world’s food production, a good place to start would be in Morocco.
Scientists look at socioeconomic and environmental impacts of balancing food demand and production.
Excess fertilization of agricultural fields is a huge environmental problem.
Forests with a large variety of species are more productive and stable under stress than monocultures: scientists from the University of Freiburg have confirmed this with data from the world’s oldest field trial on the diversity of tropical tree species.
Bad wells tend to get excluded from studies on groundwater levels, a problem that could skew results everywhere monitoring is used to decide government policies and spending.
BYU researchers successfully inoculate alfalfa using salt-tolerant bacteria.
For more than 40 years, Carlos A. Nobre has studied his nation’s most magnificent natural asset — the Amazon rainforest — and its vital role in the global climate system.
‘Humanizing’ produce encourages consumers to overlook a few flaws.
Unique orbit allows satellite to capture imagery from same area at different times of day.
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