Highly positive social outcomes are linked to biodiversity efforts in Amazonian Sustainable-Use Protected Areas, according to new research from the University of East Anglia (UEA).
Agroecologist from the University of Göttingen emphasises their importance for food security of smallholder farmers
PG&E engineers call outage prediction tool ‘fundamental’ to reducing risk.
An unprecedented review of the aquatic foods sector has uncovered how fisheries and aquaculture can play a greater role in delivering healthy diets and more sustainable, equitable and resilient food systems around the world.
Seeds that would otherwise lie dormant will spring to life with the aid of a new chemical discovered by a UC Riverside-led team.
In the midst of another brutal fire season, several of California’s natural treasures have also been threatened.
Framework will help nations gauge progress and pitfalls
Longer hotter and drier spells in countries around the world due to climate change could hit important global crops within the next 50 years.
The Aweme borer is a yellowish-brown moth with an inch-and-a half wingspan. In the often-colorful world of lepidopterology — the study of moths and butterflies — it’s not particularly flashy, but it is exceedingly rare.
As climate change affects habitats, fisheries species face change, too.
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