Over the past two decades, global croplands expanded by 9 percent, with differing expressions on different continents.
New housing subdivisions, smaller yards and a dependence on air conditioning have resulted in a 30 per cent decline in Australian residential trees in the past decade, leading to hotter neighbourhoods and increased energy costs.
Texas can be a model for the nation on how to effectively replace coal with wind and solar for the state’s energy needs while meeting environmental goals, according to new research by Rice University engineers.
very day, an increasing number of mineral particles are discharged to the natural environment from industry, agriculture, forest fires, river runoffs and other events, caused by climate change and human activity.
A new study in the journal Earth’s Future led by the University of Massachusetts Amherst shows that, since Euro-American settlement approximately 160 years ago, agricultural fields in the midwestern U.S. have lost, on average, two millimeters of soil per year.
While composting and taking the bus are helpful, we need to change the very systems we live and work in to truly address climate change.
A long-term study of Hawaiian coral species provides a surprisingly optimistic view of how they might survive warmer and more acidic oceans resulting from climate change.
Faced with population growth, environmental change, and increasing concerns over food security and sustainability – the interest in Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) is on an upward trend.
The observation that ‘the fishing’s not what it used to be’ ranks up there with ‘the one that got away’ as a story that has crossed over from folk wisdom to folklore.
Renewable energy that feeds into the main power grid could destabilise the system and potentially cause power failures according to a new study.
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