Improvements in electrodialysis technology are creating new ways of producing freshwater. Funded by the EU, REvivED water is developing low-energy, sustainable solutions to address the growing demand for access to safe drinking water.
What to do when consumers want plastic, but also worry about the planet.
Aviation accounts for approximately two to three per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions.
Our domestic recycling infrastructure was never developed, so there was no economical or efficient way to handle recycling when the market disappeared.
Transformative actions implemented by cities to address and mitigate the impacts of climate change may be hindered by political struggles for municipal power.
On the Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP), a project named "Gully Land Consolidation" (GLC) has been implemented in rural watersheds to offset the farmland loss induced by "Grain for Green Program".
The world’s tropical forests are losing their ability to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere – a development that could have serious implications on efforts to forestall climate change.
With just one water sample, and using no nets or fishhooks, the University of New Brunswick’s Dr. Scott Pavey can tell what types of fish live in a stream or lake.
With climate change, the issues of land are becoming more important.
To stem the tide of plastic waste exports from wealthier nations, several countries on the receiving end of these shipments are closing their borders to the practice.
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