Nothing can threaten a velvety green lawn like vagabond dandelions—but it isn’t all bad, says a University of Alberta gardening expert.
The more naturally verdant an area is, the more likely it will contribute to the general health of the habitats and the organisms in and around it.
Researchers at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, have succeeded in 3D printing with a wood-based ink in a way that mimics the unique ‘ultrastructure’ of wood.
Imagine if your printer had an “unprint” button that used pulses of light to remove toner, curbing environmental impacts compared with conventional paper recycling.
Billions of people worldwide rely on streams flowing from forest lands for their water supply.
In a new survey of the sub-seafloor off the U.S. Northeast coast, scientists have made a surprising discovery: a gigantic aquifer of relatively fresh water trapped in porous sediments lying below the salty ocean.
Do you eat fruits and vegetables? What about nuts? If so, you can thank an insect pollinator, usually a honey bee.
The general long-term forecast for California as climate change intensifies: more frequent droughts, intermittently interrupted by years when big storms bring rain more quickly than the water infrastructure can handle.
Tennessee’s Chattanooga Metropolitan Airport has become the first airport in the United States to run entirely on solar power.
Snowflakes that cover mountains or linger under tree canopies are a vital freshwater resource for over a billion people around the world.
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