Water from the Pacific Ocean flows into the Indian Ocean via the Indonesia Archipelago Seas thanks to a vast network of currents dubbed the Indonesian Throughflow (ITF).
Miami summers are hot and humid, but is climate change making them dangerous?
To help solve hunger and malnutrition while also slowing climate change, some farmers could shift from land to sea, suggests a recent study from the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University.
Early data shows the greatest net gain of water over the winter in nearly 22 years, but the state’s groundwater levels still suffer from the effects of years of drought.
May 2023 was quite warm across the contiguous U.S., ranking as the 11th-warmest May in the climate record.
Human-caused global warming has continued to increase at an “unprecedented rate” since the last major assessment of the climate system published two years ago, say 50 leading scientists.
The skies aircraft fly through are bumpier today than four decades ago, scientists have found, after producing a new analysis showing that turbulence has increased as the climate changed.
A central difficulty in controlling greenhouse gas emissions to slow down climate change is finding them in the first place.
More than 400 wildfires burning across Canada have triggered air quality alerts across a large portion of the U.S. In New York City, record-setting air pollution bathed the city in an ominous orange haze.
How climate change could give rise to “fish wars” between nations is the subject of a new research project awarded a £1.1m grant by the US Department of Defense.
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