The common murre is a self-sufficient, resilient bird.
New research identifies microbes that thrive in the face of wildly different nutrient levels.
Findings indicate that the likely impacts of mining on microbial ecosystems vary substantially, from minimal disturbance to the irreversible loss of important ecosystem processes.
A database of 10,000 bird species shows how measurements of wings, beaks and tails can predict a species’ role in an ecosystem.
Birds are the best known class of animals, and since 1999, only five or six new species have been described each year on average.
Sometimes it helps to check the facts. You may be surprised what you find.
Several weeks ago Professor Dickman, from the University of Sydney’s Faculty of Science, estimated that 480 million animals would be killed by the fires.
Gelatinous zooplankton makes an important contribution to marine carbon transport.
Persistent temperature stress events are degrading coral reefs worldwide, but a new study from Florida Institute of Technology has found that corals in naturally turbid waters are less affected by thermal stress than corals in clearer water.
The next step is learning more about whether these root-associated fungi are keeping some nitrogen to themselves, and why.
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