Studying climate change-induced mass extinctions in the deep geological past allows researchers to explore the impact of environmental crises on organismal evolution.
Using sophisticated electronic tags, scientists have assembled a large biologging dataset to garner comparative insights on how sharks, rays, and skates – also known as “elasmobranchs” – use the ocean depths.
New research sheds light on how climate change will impact the distribution of great whales in New Zealand waters.
New stock assessment reflects second highest biomass since assessments started.
Tens of millions of migratory insects cross at least 100km of open sea to reach Cyprus on the way to mainland Europe, new research shows.
Michigan State researchers have forecast monarch butterfly population sizes throughout the Midwest to show where conservation efforts could have the most impact in the face of climate change.
Extreme weather such as prolonged drought and heavy rainfall is becoming more and more common as the global average temperature rises – and it will only get worse in the coming decades.
An analysis of bumblebee wings from a network of UK museums shows signs of stress linked to increasingly hotter and wetter conditions.
In a warming ocean, snapping shrimp might be the acoustic canary in the coal mine.
A previously overlooked factor — the position of continents — helps fill Earth’s oceans with life-supporting oxygen.
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