There are electric satellites from Boeing and electric planes from Airbus, so why not electric roads, brought to you by Volvo Group?

Volvo, in collaboration with the Swedish Transport Administration, is studying the potential for building electric roads where city buses—built by Volvo, of course—can be charged from electricity in the road while the bus is in operation.


Talk about hot pavement! "The benefit is quieter and more climate-smart public transport," Volvo says. A 300- to 500-meter (328 to 547 yards) road in central Gothenburg, Sweden is under consideration for construction as a test track next year.

"Vehicles capable of being charged directly from the road during operation could become the next pioneering step in the development towards reduced environmental impact," says Volvo Group's Niklas Gustavsson, executive vice president, corporate sustainability and public affairs.

Photo credit Volvo.

Read more at ENN Affiliate, Triple Pundit.