Measurements of particle number concentrations were taken for the study using bicycle-mounted instruments. Led by IASS researcher Erika von Schneidemesser, the team measured the concentrations on frequently used bicycle paths in Berlin and Potsdam.

Using innovative technologies, the researchers were able to measure the concentration of harmful particles in real time, both on-road and at stationary sites over the three months of summer. The researchers also developed a method to account for fluctuations in the average ambient concentrations per journey and to compare results across all of the routes sampled.

Buses, trucks and motorcycles are key contributors

The study reveals major differences in air pollution levels depending on the type of road, local environmental factors, and vehicle types. For example, when buses, motorcycles, or trucks join passenger vehicles on the road, particulate concentrations increase by 30% to 40% relative to the average ambient level.

Read more at Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V.