If you grow corn in your home garden, then you might want to harvest fresh "baby" corn ears this summer.

Baby corn, those tiny ears of corn popular in Asian cooking and a favorite in salad bars across the United States, is largely imported from East Asia. It is usually processed and sold in cans or jars.

The miniature size of baby corn makes consumers think that it grows from dwarf corn plants. But the tiny ears of baby corn are simply immature ears from regular-sized plants, said Jim Myers, Oregon State University vegetable breeder.

Although specialty varieties are available for baby corn production, baby corn can be harvested from many common corn varieties, as well. All you need to do is harvest some of your garden sweet corn early. Field, regular, sugary enhanced or super sweet corn varieties work great for baby corn. You don't need to buy the fancy stuff from the store.

Read more at Oregon State University

Image by Abdulhakeem Samae from Pixabay