Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Brookhaven National Laboratory have new experimental evidence and a predictive theory that solves a long-standing materials science mystery: why certain crystalline materials shrink when heated. Their work, just published in Science Advances, could have widespread application for matching material properties to specific applications in medicine, electronics, and other fields, and may even provide fresh insight into unconventional superconductors (materials that carry electric current with no energy loss).

The evidence comes from precision measurements of the distances between atoms in crystals of scandium fluoride (ScF3), a material known for its unusual contraction under elevated temperatures (also known as “negative thermal expansion”). What the scientists discovered is a new type of vibrational motion that causes the sides of these cube-shaped, seemingly solid crystals to buckle when heated, thus pulling the corners closer together.

“Normally as something heats up, it expands,” said Brookhaven physicist Igor Zaliznyak, who led the project. “When you heat something up, atomic vibrations increase in magnitude, and the overall material size increases to accommodate the larger vibrations.”

Read more at DOE / Brookhaven National Laboratory

Photo: Igor Zaliznyak, a physicist in Brookhaven Lab's Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science Division (right), led a team of scientists including Alexei Tkachenko of the Lab's Center for Functional Nanomaterials (left) to decipher the mechanism underlying scandium fluoride's ability to shrink upon heating.  CREDIT: Brookhaven National Laboratory