An MIT white paper released today outlines a series of recommendations on how companies, particularly those in the oil and gas industry, can use scenario analysis to effectively disclose risks and opportunities they face as a result of global climate change.

The report, “Climate-Related Financial Disclosure Disclosures: The Use of Scenarios,” was organized by the Office of the Vice President for Research and drafted by a team of MIT faculty and staff members. It builds on insights gained from a workshop held at MIT last year, which included representatives from oil and gas companies, credit rating agencies, investment firms, and nongovernmental organizations, along with academics and other entities engaged in the production of global climate scenarios.

“This report, and the workshop it grew out of, are part of MIT’s ongoing efforts under our Plan for Action on Climate Change,” says Vice President for Research Maria T. Zuber. “A key element of the plan is a strategy of engaging with a wide variety of sectors to accelerate the world’s transition away from carbon emitting energy sources.”

Read more at Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Image via Massachusetts Institute of Technology