China accounts for 30 per cent of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions, of which a large share comes from coal power. It’s an established fact that if the world is going to reach climate targets, China will need to replace a large percentage of its current power mix with renewable energy.

Coal power still makes up the largest share of the country’s energy supply by far, but a lot has happened in the field of renewable energy development in a short amount of time.

“China is now a world leader in renewable energy, both in terms of producing and using renewable power. China has taken the lead in solar and wind energy in particular,” says Marius Korsnes.

Korsnes is a researcher at NTNU and has spent the last decade studying the development of renewable energy in China. Just before the end of 2019 he came out with the book Wind and Solar Energy Transition in China.

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Image via Norwegian University of Science and Technology