Since 1972, most countries in the world have been celebrating the United Nations World Environment Day on 5 June. In the past decades, environmental awareness has risen. More and more people realise how vulnerable the natural resources that we all depend on are. Yet, the situation is worsening and global efforts for protecting the environment are in dire need.

With the United Nations University Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources (UNU-FLORES), the United Nations University has established a research institute in Dresden that deals with the management of environmental resources such as water, soil, and waste. In the centre of it all is the Nexus Approach, which looks at the complex interdependencies of resources in an integrated manner. To advance this, UNU-FLORES is closely cooperating with TU Dresden. Together with the Faculty of Environmental Sciences, UNU-FLORES offers a Joint PhD Programme. It trains a new and international generation of scientists, engineers, and managers that dedicate their work to a sustainable management of resources and help advocate for the approach worldwide.

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Image via TU Dresden