Major disruptions to our health and quality of life are front of mind in an era when wildfires, floods, and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic impact Earth’s population daily. Amid these glaring threats, the slow but rising creep of air and water pollution that humans encounter and even ingest may be easy to overlook, but research continues to reveal new data proving these exposures do impact human health.

In Biophysics Reviews, from AIP Publishing, researchers from the Technical University of Munich review recent scientific literature about the effects of particle contaminants on the mucosal system, an internal membrane that serves as the body’s lubricant and the first line of defense from infections and toxins. These data establish a clear link between exposure to airborne or waterborne particulate matter and several health conditions.

“Mucosal barriers are really important to protect various body systems, but that mucosal function is only there if we don’t damage it,” said co-author Oliver Lieleg. “Sadly, our native mucosal systems are being compromised by micro- and nanoparticles present in our environment.”

Read more at: American Institute of Physics

Sources of particulate matter and effects they can have on the human mucosal system (Photo Credit: Matthias Marczynski)
