Gen Z adults are interested in using apparel rental services to reduce overconsumption, according to a new study in the journal Sustainability by Washington State University researchers.

Apparel rental, also known as collaborative apparel consumption, extends the life of an article of clothing because people don’t throw it away after wearing it a few times.

“The idea is growing more popular, especially among Gen Z consumers,” said Ting Chi, the corresponding author on the paper and chair of WSU’s Department of Apparel, Merchandising, Design, and Textiles. “They are very interested in sustainable consumerism, care about the environment, and are willing to make changes to help the planet.”

Chi and co-authors Lindsay McCoy and Yuan-Ting Wang surveyed 362 adults born between 1997 and 2002 from across the United States. They found that the respondents were still interested in being fashionable, but don’t need to own a product.

Read more at Washington State University

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