As the world's leaders get ready to travel to the pivotal UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, the University of Surrey is making progress against its four-point plan to help cap the rise of global temperatures at 1.5 degrees Celsius. The University is also highlighting to local partners the many areas of world-leading research expertise contributing to the local, national and international fight against climate change, aligned to the COP26 priorities of energy transitions, clean air, adaptation, green finance and nature.

To meet its ambitious Net-Zero target, the University will:

Continue to reduce its demand for energy by following best practices in energy conservation;

Grow on-site renewable generation to 20 per cent of demand through a long-term private sector partnership that promotes research and innovation;

Move energy supply to verifiable, certificated sources of green energy;

Use verified sources of offsetting for residual emissions.

The University of Surrey is believed to be one of only three universities in the country with a science-based emissions target. This has allowed the University to calculate its exact share of carbon emission reduction required to make a fair contribution towards limiting the rise of global temperatures to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

Read more at: University of Surrey