The science-based pathway to Net-Zero laid down by the University can be followed by other educational institutions. Many of the approaches are also replicable by private, public and charitable organisations of a similar size. In addition to providing guidance, the paper also considers how to finance emission reduction pathways. If current high energy prices are sustained, the financial cases presented in the paper will be even stronger.

The University of Surrey is a leading UK university with an annual turnover of around £300m. Sustainability research is a vital part of research activity across the University, for example, at its Centre of Environment and Sustainability. Sustainability forms a central pillar across the teaching curriculum. Solar and renewable energies are a major theme within the research undertaken by the Advanced Technology Institute at the University of Surrey.

Actions the University will take to reduce its absolute carbon emissions by 46% over the next ten years (based on 2018/2019 emission levels) and achieve Net-Zero include:

On-site renewable energy generation, including building a solar farm,

Improving the energy efficiency of buildings,

The purchasing of power from clean sources (including through direct investment in new renewable energy plants); and

Investing in transparent and verified offsetting schemes, ideally locally, allows scrutiny of the offsetting credentials and unlocking social impact benefits for the local community. From 2030 onwards, the reliance on offsetting will be reduced as the University’s abatement measures such as on-site renewable energy generation grow.

Read more at: University of Surrey