Researchers have considered how flooding from rising sea levels and storm surges will damage the built environment along the coast, but what about climate change’s less noticeable impacts below the surface?

A new study by Colorado State University civil engineers examines the hidden costs to building foundations due to sea level rise. They propose a method for inspection and repair to lower the cost associated with deterioration from saltwater corrosion.

The researchers, who are part of the NIST Center for Risk-Based Community Resilience Planning at CSU, say it is important to plan ahead – especially considering there are more than 16 million buildings along the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf coasts.

Read more at: Colorado State University

CSU researchers investigated the toll of sea level rise on residential building foundations in Mobile, Alabama, and developed a framework for inspection and repair to lower the cost to building owners. (Photo Credit: Jim Cunningham via Pixabay)