Students at Velocity Digital are bullish about artificial intelligence.

More than 35 per cent of the cross-disciplinary teams engaged in Velocity Digital, the South Campus Hall creator space, are using artificial intelligence in multiple ways, recognizing its power as a tool to solve problems at a capacity beyond the capabilities of human analysis of data.

Arshnoor Sekhon, a third-year undergraduate student in Health Sciences, is working in Velocity Digital to realize the idea behind Ares Intel, a platform using advanced, proprietary algorithms to predict global conflicts and monitor hot spots by scanning the internet. Sekhon’s interest in artificial intelligence stems from his family history — having a grandfather who worked in health sciences and family members touched by illness.

“What would have taken my grandpa 10 million dollars, a team of researchers and lab staff and two to three years to decode … an AI algorithm can now do in three days,” Sekhon says. “Exponential progress in health care, that’s what AI can do. The only reason some of my loved ones are still here today is because of the miracle of modern medicine and science and I want to explore new frontiers with the new tools at hand.”

Read more at University of Waterloo

Photo Credit: geralt via Pixabay