Electrifying an Uber or Lyft car can save three times more carbon than a personally owned EV
Coconut oil production may be more damaging to the environment than palm oil, researchers say.
Authors found that conservation messaging is virtually absent from many mainstream wildlife-based tourism operations.
A new European initiative aims to create a “Water Smart Industrial Symbiosis”
A vast number of new wastewater treatment plants in developing countries has led to an imbalance between phosphorous and nitrogen in surface waters.
During a downpour, rainwater hits pavement and flows into drains, picking up pollutants like oil, fertilizers, and road salts along the way.
Research by the University says the artificial structures and reclaimed land of coastal cities are often poor surrogates for the natural environment.
Power plants that burn coal and other fossil fuels emit not only planet-warming carbon dioxide, but also pollutants linked to breathing problems and premature death.
Over the past 200 years, the population of the United States has grown more than 40-fold to an estimated 328 million, with 81% of the population living in an urban area.
New research shows that electrically-assisted bikes (e-bikes) have the capability to slash carbon dioxide emissions from transport and could offer a safe and sustainable route back to work.
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