Celebrated annually on 2 February, World Wetlands Day aims to raise global awareness about the importance of wetlands for our planet.
Researchers redesign plastics to save energy and reduce emissions.
Gains in soil quality contribute to a more stable climate, diminished flooding, and cleaner waterways, says study leader Dr Stephanie Tomscha.
Recent events such as the Covid-19 pandemic, locust infestations, drought and labour shortages have disrupted food supply chains, endangering food security in the process.
The 1.5-million-ton behemoth was on the loose.
Just along concrete’s gray surface, a chemical reaction is occurring.
The sustainability of Alberta’s forest industries will be strengthened through a new $4.125-million research chair being established at the University of Alberta.
Tribal groups in Panama are celebrating a victory for their rights to control some of Central America’s largest forests — a victory that could benefit conservation throughout the region.
A report from the Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute outlines the benefits of state-funded conservation easements on working lands.
University of Wyoming researchers headed a study that shows nonnative birds in Oahu, Hawaii, have taken over the role of seed dispersal networks on the island, with most of the seeds coming from nonnative plants.
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