The researchers, from the University of Cambridge, developed a solar-powered reactor that converts captured CO2 and plastic waste into sustainable fuels and other valuable chemical products.
About 47 million homes use natural gas or propane-burning cooktops and ovens.
Smoke from intense wildland fires in Canada billowed over the upper Midwest in June 2023, causing hazy skies and hazardous air quality in Canada and across several U.S. states.
Action to protect the planet against the impact of climate change will fall short unless we reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the global food system, which now makes up a third of man-made GHG emissions, a new study reveals.
As the world heats up due to climate change, how much can we continue to depend on plants and soils to help alleviate some of our self-inflicted damage by removing carbon pollution from the atmosphere?
Technological innovation and investment will be needed to reduce agriculture-related greenhouse gas emissions to zero, according to new work from Carnegie Staff Associate Lorenzo Rosa and Visiting Scholar Paolo Gabrielli.
Missing from partisan political debates over regulations affecting the energy sector is the stunning success of the federal government’s signature environmental laws.
Two major ridesharing companies have promised all-electric fleets by 2030 in an effort to reduce their carbon footprint.
Everyone knows that burning coal causes air pollution that is harmful to the climate and human health.
As the world struggles for sustainability in the face of climate change, wildfire smoke becomes a lesson in how people can become victims far from the root of a problem and far from their control.
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